Narrative construction/concept

An idea that the group came up with was to use the conventional character Morph for our ident production. This is a character that was created Aardman Animations for the BBC. The group plans to take this legendary plasticine creation and give it a modern twist. We will make many different 'Morph's' and they will be acting as crew in a 'Morph media production' and swe will use penguins as actors for the 'Morph media production'.

Our storyline consists of characters filming others using a camera and a boom microphone and they are filming penguins fighting. The ideology behind the use of Morph and Penguins are because these are both iconic figures in claymation. Penguins in plasticine are famous from the production 'Pingu' and ofcourse Morph for his appearences on the BBC and the flexibility the creation has. We felt if we can take two legendary, iconic figures from claymation and incorporate these for our client, PHA Media Department Productions then we would have a really iconic ident. We felt that our target audiences, teenagers, secondary adults/parents of students of Park Hall Academy would be pleased with the ident because these are figures that everyone can relate to as it would have been a part of the teenagers childhood and the adults earlier stages of parenthood or even their childhood.

For our background we plan to have some bright blue paper standing upwards to play as the sky but we will add clouds to this as well as other items to be used on the set. For this we will need around six pieces of light blue A4 paper which we have access to as well as plain white paper for the clouds. We may use some green A4 paper to act as the grass.

For our set we plan to mainly use plasticine products such as plasticine trees, benches, flowers etc. At this stage we are planning to use plasticine for these items but we are not limited to this media.

Our scenario is creating an image of PHA Media Department through the use of the media plasticine and stop motion animation. We feel if we can create a warm, heartfelt production with a twist, that twist is we are using plasticine. At the end of the production we plan to have someones shoe squash the whole set, the reason behind this is so that we can get a solid background to the end of the scene so that we can have space for the text about the PHA Media Department. We are not limited to the shoe idea, we have other plans such as a meteorite or a rocket falling on the production.

The group plan to use some light, upbeat music for the audio in our production. At this moment we have not yet decided on the track, we plan to do this in storyboarding of the production when we have a much clearer idea of what will happen in the production so we can have the audio set around the motion rather than the motion set around the audio.

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